Spela som svenska landslagen i NHL 22
Från och med den 9 december kan du spela som Juniorkronorna i NHL 22. Detta genom ett samarbete mellan det Internationella ishockeyförbundet och EA Sports. I januari utökas spelet med fler landslag.
Från och med den 9 december kan du spela som Juniorkronorna i NHL 22 – en bra uppladdning inför det stundande mästerskapet i Kanada.
Det Internationella ishockeyförbundet och EA SPORTS har inlett ett samarbete som innebär att fler svenska landslag kommer att bli tillgängliga i spelet under 2022.
“The IIHF and its member national associations are excited to be a part of the world’s top ice hockey video game,” said IIHF President Luc Tardif. “We are even more pleased that the game will give players the chance to compete as both their favorite men’s and women’s World Championship players.”
“Looking forward, the IIHF and its partners are also excited to create more opportunities to promote ice hockey through future esports offerings.”
“The introduction of women’s national teams to NHL 22 as part of the upcoming IIHF content will be an important moment for the franchise in its continued effort to reflect the diversity of the hockey community,” said Sean Ramjagsingh, VP and GM, EA SPORTS. “We are proud to feature playable women’s teams for the first time in NHL 22, alongside the rising stars on the World Juniors teams.”